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Confirm that Content is Live on Amazon

Confirm that Content is Live on Amazon

Confirm that Content is Live on Amazon

The AutoMato platform scans Amazon product listings daily for all activated products. This helps AutoMato determine when the content in the platform matches what is live on Amazon.

Product Is-Live States:

  • If both the product title and bullet points on Amazon match the content in AutoMato, a green 'Live' tag will appear next to the product, indicating it is up to date.

  • If only one of the product title or bullet points matches, a 'Partially Live' tag will be displayed. Clicking on the product will show which section requires attention.

  • If neither the product title nor bullet points match the AutoMato content, an 'Unpublished' tag will be displayed. In this case, refer back to Page 7: Publishing products to get them live on Amazon.

Products can be filtered by their Is-Live status using the 'Filters' button on the right side of the 'Products' page.

The Green "Published" tag

What about the published tag? This tag means that this item has attempted an API publish with its current content. It doesn't mean that the content is fully live and published on Amazon (yet...) It means that the API 'Publish' button was pressed and that your content submission is in process pending Amazon's Approval.